Supporting workplace Health and Safety Representatives
WorkSafe engaged StudioC to help them understand how they could best support Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) in Aotearoa, including their needs, barriers and pain points, areas for opportunity, and drivers/enablers. The goal was to develop a strategy for WorkSafe to support HSRs and ultimately to create safer workplaces for New Zealanders.
As a follow-up piece of related work, we were engaged to help WorkSafe develop a strategy to help businesses understand and commit to the Worker Engagement, Participation and Representation (WEPR) legislation.
To better understand HSRs, we conducted a co-design workshop and one-on-one empathy conversations with HSRs from a meat packing factory, followed by two walkthroughs of the factories. We gathered insights that showed themes in the ways that HSRs wanted to be supported, such as training, incentives and simplified systems.

The workshops resulted in a draft project vision, a commitment that workplaces could commit to, and four key principles underlying that commitment. These drafts were tested and refined further through empathy conversations with HSRs from diverse high-risk businesses throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
Importantly, the work created plain English examples of how WEPR legislation could be implemented in a practical way in most businesses.

The insights we gathered from this work led to unexpected recommendations that are being used to guide health and safety policy and change at a systems level.
One recommendation was to develop a toolkit of online resources - case studies from real people across Aotearoa, from various businesses, that align with the four key pillars related to HSR issues.